This week we learned about Technology Integration Models, focusing on the SAMR Model. We looked at different examples, and after doing some further research I came across this picture, which, as a Barista, I really loved and found did a great job at explaining the model, as the type of coffee gets fancier and fancier the higher up on the model. Going into the future, I will make use of tech integration in my classroom and achieve to reach the redefinition level. I will use technology to provide students with new learning opportunities, such as group projects where students will learn how to work collaboratively online as well as learn how to create multimedia creations, such as videos and podcasts.

This week we also talked about image AI, so I decided to try it out, as I had never tried it before. This is the prompt I used: “A baby tiger in a forest with cotton candy trees.” I was really surprised at how quickly it was able to turn this prompt into a picture and was impressed by the final result. I find AI so scary, but cool at the same time as it is capable of so much. For example, you never know if something is real or AI-generated. It is difficult to tell sometimes.

Lastly, to end the class this week we learned about ED camp. We broke up into groups and got to talk about a certain issue, that we voted on before. I really liked this as when we are in class with everyone, it can be difficult or intimidating to ask questions or share opinions, but in smaller groups, this makes it much easier!