This week, my roommate and I hiked Holmes Peak. This was a very small and easy hike, with an awesome view and a cool swing. The hike was only about half an hour, and not too steep, which was great because my roommate was injured and can not do steep terrain, so I was happy to make it to the top. The hike was not too crowded, but we did run into a few people and had to wait our turn for the swing.

The drive to Holmes Peak was quite long. For some reason, on the drive there, Google Maps took us on this really weird long narrow road in the forests. We were on this road for 20 minutes and it was difficult to see when cars in the other direction were coming, which was scary. I think Google Maps took us on this route to avoid the heavy afternoon traffic, but this scary route almost made us turn around.

I would definitely recommend this hike. It is family-friendly as it is easy and quick with a cool swing that kids would definitely love.